H.E.F. March 2020 Golf Cart Poker Run
The next popular Golf Cart Poker Run will take place on Thursday, March 12th and is proudly sponsored by Sal’s Pizza, Auburndale, Time To Shine Car Wash, Auburndale, and Price Busters A/C, Lakeland.Tickets are on sale in the Office at $5.00 each and include a free meal of Chili and Cornbread and dessert. Wine and beer are available in the ballroom from Bob & Leanne from the Hampton Grille. In an effort to better serve our Poker Run guests in comfort, all ticket sales will stop Tuesday morning prior to the Poker Run or when the ticket count reaches 275, whichever is first. You do not need a golf cart to play and there’s always a 50/50 raffle and/or auction item(s). Seasonal Poker Run tickets are available at a discounted price, and will enter you in eight consecutive Poker Runs for prizes, even if you aren’t able to attend. All proceeds benefit the 2020 H.E.F. Scholarship Program for local high achieving high school graduates in need of aid.